The Beatles' first radio interview was recorded on Radio Clatterbridge.
Just weeks after Ringo Starr joined John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison to form the final line-up, our listeners became the first in the world to hear from the Fab Four.
The Beatles and Radio Clatterbridge.
It was October 27th 1962, the band was on the verge of taking the world by storm, and our presenter Monty Lister with assistants Peter Smethurst and Malcolm Threadgill had clinched a world exclusive.
The Beatles were playing at Hulme Hall in Port Sunlight, so Monty and his team decided to take their tape recorder along to record an interview with them. At the time, the band were promoting their new single, Love Me Do.
Radio Clatterbridge broadcast the interview again during a special debate programme about the recording and the Fab Four's early days.
Local Beatles historian Ray O'Brien and the band's former publicist, Sam Leach, were there. After the interview was replayed, Sam commented: "I'd never heard all of it before. Monty did a good job there for posterity."
Monty Lister was also reunited with his assistant Peter Smethurst for the programme. Peter said: "We've got to thank Monty for having the foresight to come up with an interview like that. A one-off."
“John is, in fact, the leader of the group”
— Paul McCartney revealing all to Radio Clatterbridge
Listen to The Beatles’ interview on Radio Clatterbridge.
The Beatles on Radio Clatterbridge - Read the Interview Transcript
This is the transcript of the Beatles' first broadcast interview. It's a very rare glimpse of the early Beatles, captured on October 27th, 1962 at Hulme Hall in Port Sunlight, Wirral by Radio Clatterbridge presenter Monty Lister. Additional questions are provided by his assistants, Malcolm Threadgill and Peter Smethurst.
MONTY: "Well it's a very great pleasure for us this evening to say hello to an up-and-coming Merseyside group, The Beatles. Now I know their names, and I'm going to try and put faces to them. Now, you're John Lennon, aren't you?"
JOHN: "Yes, that's right."
MONTY: "What do you do in the group, John?"
JOHN: "I play harmonica, rhythm guitar, and vocal. That's what they call it."
MONTY: "Harmonica, rhythm guitar, and vocal. Then, there's Paul McCartney. That's you?"
PAUL: "Yeah, that's me. Yeah."
MONTY: "And what do you do?"
PAUL: "Play bass guitar and uhh, sing? ...I think! That's what they say."
MONTY: "That's quite apart from being vocal?"
PAUL: "Well... yes, yes."
MONTY: "Then there's George Harrison."
GEORGE: "How d'you do?"
MONTY: "How d'you do? What's your job?"
GEORGE: "Uhh, lead guitar and sort of singing."
MONTY: "By playing lead guitar, does that mean that you're sort of leader of the group or are you...?"
GEORGE: "No, no. Just... Well you see, the other guitar is the rhythm. Ching, ching, ching, you see."
PAUL: "He's solo guitar, you see. John is, in fact, the leader of the group."
MONTY: "I don't know whether we caught that or not, but I hope it went in. And over in the background, here, and also in the background of the group and making alot of noise is Ringo Starr."
RINGO: "Hello."
MONTY: "You're new to the group, aren't you Ringo?"
RINGO: "Yes, umm, nine weeks now."
MONTY: "Were you in on the act when the recording was made of Love Me Do?"
RINGO: "Yes, I'm on the record. I'm on the disc."
RINGO: (comic voice) "It's down on record, you know?"
MONTY: "Now, umm..."
RINGO: "I'm the drummer!"
MONTY: "What's that offensive weapon you've got there? Those are your drumsticks?"
RINGO: "Well, it's umm... just a pair of sticks I found. I just bought erm, you know, cos we're going away. And I've put my name on. And it's good, you know."
MONTY: "When you say you're going away, that leads us on to another question now. Where are you going?"
RINGO: "Germany. Hamburg. For two weeks."
MONTY: "You have standing and great engagements over there, haven't you?"
RINGO: "Well, the boys have been there quite alot, you know. And I've been there with other groups, but this is the first time I've been there with the Beatles."
MONTY: "Well Paul, you tell us, how do you get in on the act in Germany?"
PAUL: "Well, it was all through an old agent."
PAUL: (Chuckles) "We first went there for a fella who used to manage us, and Mr. Allan Williams of the Jacaranda Club in Liverpool. And he found the engagements so we sort of went there, and then went under our own..."
JOHN: "Steam."
PAUL: "Steam..." (Laughs)
JOHN: "...as they say."
PAUL: "As they say, afterwards, you know. And we've just been going backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards."
MONTY: (Surprised) "You're not busy at all?"
PAUL: "Well yes, actually. Yes. It's me left-leg, you know, the war."
MONTY: "George, were you brought up in Liverpool?"
GEORGE: "Yes. So far, yes."
MONTY: "Whereabouts?"
GEORGE: "Well, born in Wavertree, and bred in Wavertree and Speke; where the aeroplanes are, you know."
MONTY: "Are you all Liverpool types then?"
RINGO: "Yes."
JOHN: "Uhh... types, yes."
PAUL: "Oh yeah."
RINGO: "Liverpool-typed Paul, there."
MONTY: "Now, I'm told that you were actually in the same form as young Ron Wycherley..."
RINGO: "Ronald. Yes."
MONTY: "...now Billy Fury."
RINGO: "In Saint Sylus."
MONTY: "In which?"
RINGO: "Saint Sylus."
JOHN: "Really?"
RINGO: "It wasn't Dingle Vale like you said in the Musical Express."
PAUL: "No, that was wrong. Saint Sylus school."
MONTY: "Now I'd like to introduce a young disc jockey who helps us out with programmes at Cleaver and Clatterbridge Hospitals. His name is Malcolm Threadgill, he's 16-years old, and I'm sure he'd like to ask some questions from the teenage point of view."
MALCOLM: "Yes, thank you. I understand you've made other recordings before on a German label."
PAUL: "Yeah."
MALCOLM: "What ones were they?"
PAUL: "Well, we didn't make... First of all, we made a recording with a fella called Tony Sheridan. We were working in a club called The Top Ten Club in Hamburg. And we made a recording with him called, My Bonnie, which got to number five in the German hit parade."
JOHN: "Ach tung!"
PAUL: (Giggles) "But it didn't do a thing over here, you know. It wasn't a very good record, but the Germans must've liked it a bit, you know. And we did an instrumental which was released in France on an EP of Tony Sheridan's, which George and John wrote themselves. That wasn't released here. It got one copy. That's all, you know. It didn't do anything."
MALCOLM: "You composed P.S. I Love You and Love Me Do yourself, didn't you? Who does the composing between you?"
PAUL: "Well, it's John and I. We write the songs between us. It's, you know... We've sort of signed contracts and things to say, that now if we..."
JOHN: "It's equal shares."
PAUL: "Yeah, equal shares and royalties and things, so that really we just both write most of the stuff. George did write this instrumental, as we say. But mainly it's John and I. We've written over about a hundred songs but we don't use half of them, you know. We just happened to sort of rearrange Love Me Do and played it to the recording people, and P.S. I Love You, and uhh, they seemed to quite like it. So that's what we recorded."
MONTY:: "And that was Paul McCartney telling you all about it."
MALCOLM: "Is there any more of your own compositions you intend to record?"
JOHN: "Well, we did record another song of our own when we were down there, but it wasn't finished enough. So, you know, we'll take it back next time and see how they like it then."
(Long pause)
JOHN: (Jokingly) "Well... that's all from MY end!"
MONTY: "Well thank you for asking the questions, Malcolm. Now, in closing, I would like to just ask you (and we're recording this at Hulme Hall in Port Sunlight) Did any of you come over this side before you became famous, as it were? Do you know this district?"
PAUL: "Well, we played here, uhh... I don't know what you mean by famous, you know.
PAUL: "If being famous is being in the hit parade, we've been over here, we were here about two months ago. Been here twice, haven't we?"
JOHN: "I've got relations here. Rock Ferry."
MONTY: "Have you?"
JOHN: "Yes. Oh, all sides of the water, you know."
PAUL: "Yeah, I've got a relation in Claughton Village, Upton Road."
RINGO: (Jokingly) "I've got a friend in Birkenhead!"
MONTY: "I wish I had."
GEORGE: (Jokingly) "I know a man in Chester!"
MONTY: "Now, that's a very dangerous thing to say. There's a mental home there, mate. Peter Smethurst is here as well, and he looks as though he's bursting to say a question."
PETER: "Yeah well, there is just one question I'd like to ask. I'm sure it's the question everyone's asking. I'd like your impressions on your first appearance on television."
PAUL: "Well, strangely enough, we thought we were gonna be dead nervous. And everyone said, 'You suddenly when you see the cameras, you realize that there are two million people watching,' because there were two million watching that People And Places that we did... we heard afterwards. But, you know, strangely enough, it didn't come to us. We didn't think at all about that. And it was much easier doing the television than it was doing the radio. It's still nerve-wracking, but it was a bit easier than doing radio because there was a full audience for the radio broadcast."
MONTY: "Do you find it nerve-wracking doing this now?"
PAUL: (Jokingly) "Yeah, yeah."
MONTY: "Anyway, we hope we've got a full audience in both hospitals, Clatterbridge and Cleaver. And over at Cleaver Hospital, a certain record on Parlophone, the top side has been requested for Eileen in Robert Cart Ward from Maddy. And, strangely enough, for Maddy from Eileen in the same ward. So perhaps the Beatles themselves would like to tell them what it's going to be?"
PAUL: "Yeah. Well, I think it's gonna be Love Me Do."
JOHN: "Parlophone R4949."
PAUL: "Love Me Do."
MONTY: "And I'm sure, for them, the answer is P.S. I love you!"
PAUL: "Yeah."