Wirral Hospice St. Johns celebrates 40 years and is to Light up a Life again
The lovely Julia Evans from Wirral Hospice St. John’s (WHSJ’s) dropped in to speak to the Thursday Coffee Club duo of Ian and Helen-Louise. She brought trainees, Lucy and Sophie with her to be interrogated by Ian live on air!
Julia ran through the upcoming events of the next few months, including the Light up a Life (LUAL) service which takes place in WHSJ’s 40th anniversary year on Sunday 10th December at 5.30pm in the Hospice gardens.
They went on to speak about how to donate towards the Christmas tree collection service. Also, the sponsored Rudolph Run which takes place at some of the 19 Primary Schools in the area, with mascot John Bear making an appearance. Not forgetting the Hospice Lottery, you can purchase a lottery gift card for a friend or loved one, which gives a chance to win £2,000 with a potential rollover of up to £10,000. Wedding favours are another favourite if you have an upcoming wedding, and there is an Amazon Wish list for those who wish to purchase a gift for the Hospice or a patient. The famous Hospice drinks trolley always needs donations of various bottles too. Plus, they are particularly short of mince pies now, all donations gratefully received.
Ian asked Sophie and Lucy what their roles are within the Hospice. Sophie explained that she is a Fund-Raising apprentice who starts the full apprenticeship course in January. Lucy meanwhile started in February this year and joined as a Communications and Marketing apprentice. Both had family members who had previously used the Hospice for care and wanted to give back to the charity.
Contact details for Wirral Hospice St. John’s if you want to help or sponsor a light are 0151 343 0778 or email fundraising@wirralhospice.org or visit the website - wirralhospice.org.
Listen to the interview below.