Data Protection Consent
Radio Clatterbridge never shares your personal information without your permission.
By following the link to this page, it is likely that we already have your details on file.
If that's not ok, just let us know below and we will opt you out.
The main information we will keep is your name and email addresses, although on occasion some members and individuals will have their phone numbers and addresses saved.
For clarity, your data is stored securely and password protected so no one can access it without permission.
In addition, any emails we may send to you are "blind copied" so no one else receiving the email can see your details.
We will not share any personal information with any other organisation and all information saved by Radio Clatterbridge will be solely used by Radio Clatterbridge.
If you still wish to be removed from our database, please enter your name below and select No. Please note that you will no longer receive any communications from Radio Clatterbridge once your request has been processed.
If you have any questions, please contact our Chairman.